Nutrition and Obesity Research Group at the UPV / EHU studied the effects of the composition of the diet on body weight and health of the people. Among the numerous investigations that have been conducted, PREDIMED can highlight their participation in the project. Thanks to the effect that he is unable to constantan of Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular system is still better that a diet low in fat. Now, the group moves on more steps, and the results of a study prepared for the Mediterranean diet, low in calories, physical exercise attached. The treated project PREDIMED PLUS , which in the hope to get relevant results.Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?
According to MarĂa del Puy Portillo, Principal Nutrition and Obesity Group, the group has a wide career in this field of research. Since its inception where his research focused on the study of obesity. "Studied for example, presents the related metabolic disorders for what obese and what has the response of organisms of different types of people before obese diet (diets with different macronutrient sharing, with various sources.
Among the studies that guy, PREDIMED highlighting their participation in the project, "its dimension that has had national and international impact," Portillo stresses. "We are part of a network of researchers exposed del Institute Carlos III, and has been a very ambitious study, long-term, 5 years, and with a very elevated number of volunteers, more than 5,000".In that study, compared the effects of two types of diet on cardiovascular health: "a diet low in fat, as well as recommend in the United States, and the Mediterranean diet, which has a greater motivation to content, but with a high proportion of fat with each applicant.
Actually, the Mediterranean diet has a greater effect than a diet low in fat cardio protector. The results, published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, and were given a pie PREDIMED PLUS the launch of the study, which aims to study the results of a Mediterranean diet, energy restriction, attached to the practice of physical exercise. Portillo facilitates more details on the study: "Specifically, it's for the obese made, and se to observe the effects on cardiovascular health, weight loss and maintenance of weight lost."
Taking into account that one of the factors that influence in the abandonment of the typical farmers, Slimming Palate negotiations on the supplemental deaths in the types of fat, Portillo suspicion that the new study results can be very positive. "We in collaboration with the Women's Group of Cardiovascular Prevention and Lifestyle, In the Cardiology Service of the Hospital University’s (Headquarters Platoons) and led by Dr. Fernando Aros. In addition to participating in the study intervention, epigenetic studies, and genetic markers serves that it can predict whether a patient respond better or worse Dietary intervention raised".
In addition to studies in humans, the research group of the UPV / EHU pre clinical also performs research in cellular and animal laboratory crops."In these studies the mechanism and action of the molecules and bio-active Investigate. This is found in the molecules of foods and nutrients are not, but have a beneficial effect on health. Can be, therefore, become candidates for functional ingredients, "explains Portillo. The Resveratrol and quercitina, present in fruits and vegetables, are examples of molecules that have given good results in bio actives made by the research group pre clinical Nutrition and Obesity.
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