Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Effect of diabetes and pregnant women

High blood sugar and diabetes from all over the world is increasing rapidly . Growth in developed countries is higher. Hereditary disposition , high calorie and fat diet , sedentary lifestyle and excess weight are leading causes of the disease . According to the type of the disease and the patient's level of sugar diabetes diet, sport and can be stored in the norm . At the same time , insulin therapy may be necessary .
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2 kinds of blood sugar during pregnancy can be a problem . The first is whether patients with diabetes before pregnancy , then those who are pregnant , and the other during pregnancy , especially in the last 3 months of pregnancy due to changes in metabolism associated with the rise in blood sugar problem. I diabetes in pregnancy ( gestational ) is called.

Risk in women with diabetes is preparing to host size , depends on the control of blood sugar . Before pregnancy and during pregnancy , mothers with normal blood sugar level is stored in both the mother and the baby does not wait for the big danger .

How is the process of mothers with diabetes in pregnancy ?

Known in advance that the treatment of pregnant women with diabetes after the normal control of all body systems are in detail . Fundus examination and neurological testing . This kind of examination is often called upon to pregnant women . Inspections of each treatment control blood sugar , insulin is being re-evaluated . If the insulin dose should be increased again .

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