Rheumatism , systemic disease , mostly found in younger age and is characterized by damage to the heart, the blood - circulation .
Determine the signs of the disease are as follows:
1Əsasən damage the heart , blood - circulation ;
Irsiyyətin 2Xəstəlikdə role ;
3Orqanizmdə to other centers of infection ;
The main symptoms of heart disease is characterized by damage to the meninges . Heart valve damage and end-stage heart failure causes the system generates deformations . Rheumatic disease is considered to be secondary damage to other organs , depending on the severity of the disease does not affect the prognosis .
It was revealed that the disease, angina , chronic tonsillitis, and other complications steptokokk infection in humans have been found. Also , the creation of hereditary tendency of the disease " rheumatic family" and social factors ( living conditions , nutrition) also play a role .
The main symptoms of heart disease is associated with damage to the blood circulation . However, the symptoms are manifested in damage to other organs . Therefore, signs of cardiac and non- cardiac symptoms divide .
Typical cases of the disease, angina , or other diseases of the respiratory system, the body temperature rises after 1-2 weeks ( sometimes 38-40 ° C ) and is accompanied with a powerful perspiration . Usually it starts with chills , sweating . The main and only symptom of heart disease is currently the meninges damage , pain and unpleasant feelings , weak in heart revmokarditdirXəstələr complain . In addition , the physical burden on the poor suffer from breathlessness and urəkdoyunmələrindən . However, these signs are not the only characteristic for rheumatism and other diseases can also be found .
Rheumatic heart disease is a relatively young age, more severe stroke : a constant pain in heart , breathlessness and heart doyunmələri strong after light physical shipment , a sense of calm , even if the concern is that the different features of the disease .
Rheumatoid polyarthritis in the form of changes in the musculoskeletal system of the growing pains in the joints of gostərirXəstələr complain . (Knee , elbow , arm , etc.). Sometimes there articulation of active exercise limitation in increasing sizes . Antirevmotik poliartitlər rheumatic drugs after treatment are easily grow back . Sometimes the damage to the joints of the artralgiyalarla - joint pain without any change manifests itself . Occasionally , the joints may be worsening as a change in the form and appearance of defiormasiyaların .
Nervous system damage in children less often said if more are found . Emotional lability , body, limbs and muscles of the face is characterized by involuntary movements .
Mostly in the form of a skin lesion that causes rheumatic knots , knots most of the area of the damaged joint is formed . This knot was the size of a pea , hard , painless descendants . Treatment is usually in the background often disappears and sometimes it does not come naturally in the course of the disease .
Rheumatic fever treatment is carried out in 3 stages .
the active phase of treatment in hospital ;
treated - patients clinics kardiorevmatik cabinets ;
preventive therapy clinic and long -standing clinics ;
Treatment tactics are carried out in 3 directions :
A ) steptokokk infection
B ) an active process revmotik yatızdırılması
C ) Correction of immunological disorders
1Aktiv steptokk antibiotiklərdə used against infection . Polusintetik penicillin and its derivatives are used in more and more . ( ampicillin , oksasillin , metisillin etc. ) are carried out within 2 weeks of treatment .
Active Rheumatic non - steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines are used during the process . Indometasin and more effective , especially Voltaren . It is 150 mg daily dose of medicines . Sometimes these medicines instead of 4-5 grams per day of acetyl salesil acids . can be used with . This has been made worse by the organism of 1,0-1,6 gr - brufen - day . or 0.45 g of butadiene . can be used . This medication should be assigned to the period of active rheumatic process is completely reduced .
A high degree of disease activity ( third degree) , blood circulation , resulting in a shortage of primary products - prednizalon revmokarditlərdə hormone corticosteroids ( 40-60 mg per day ) may be accepted . If clinical improvement is to reduce the dose slowly , so it may be an acute exacerbation of the process of drug counterfeiting . Immunosuppressive treatment of stroke has a good effect of weak processes . Aminoxinolon plakvelin derivatives , delagil medications are used .
2 Low doses of these drugs for the treatment of patient after discharging proceed . G of acetyl salicylic acid, -2 , -600 mg brufen , indometasin and Voltaren -25-50 mg doses . Activity duration of the process depends on the rate of outpatient treatment of acute processes, 1-2 months , 2-4 months of repeated and prolonged illness edilirAktiv background process should be completely removed and sanatorium treatment of patients . But this is only the first stage of the disease when treatment can be carried out .
The body needs to fight infection streptokk 3Xəstəliyin repetition . To do so, preventive maintenance can be carried out bisillinlə . When the palate, tonsils in chronic tonsillitis cərahi failure to comply with drug therapy only if there is a recurrence of tonsillitis is caused by the deterioration of the rheumatic process is carried out at the time .
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